We have been informed that one student at Bear Tavern and one staff member at Stony Brook have tested positive for COVID-19. The Bear Tavern student was most recently in school on March 19. The Stony Brook staff member was last in the building on March 19. Contact tracing is complete, the identified individuals are quarantining and the spaces are being deep cleaned.
PLEASE NOTE: We are seeing an increase in our local cases. Additionally, our contract tracing indicates that our cases continue to originate from outside of school. As the weather improves please remain vigilant in adhering to social distancing guidelines.
Please help protect all of us by monitoring your family members for symptoms and following the guidelines below. Staff and students should not attend school if:
They have tested positive (viral test) for COVID-19.
They are awaiting test results (even if there has been a negative rapid test).
Someone in your household is being tested for COVID-19 due to illness or has COVID-like symptoms (they may return if test results are negative).
They are exhibiting any COVID-19 compatible symptoms
Close contact has occurred with a person with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
Potential exposure to a person with COVID-19 has occurred
They have traveled to an area with high levels of COVID-19 transmission in the past 14 days.
We appreciate your support and cooperation. You can assist us by remaining vigilant in your approach to dealing with this health concern.